I heal physical, mental or emotional blockages by raising the vibrational frequency of the energy field of the animal and providing insights, so that the animal and the people with the animal can continue the healing process. In case of physical complaints, a diagnosis from a veterinarian is always recommended. In addition or if regular treatments do not help, a healing offers (pain) relief and the self-healing capacity of the body is activated. A healing can take place on its own or in addition to one reading at a distance. In certain cases, direct body contact will yield the best results. In that case, a healing on the spot will be recommended.
When a healing?
- For removing physical, mental and/or emotional blockages.
- Help with the healing process (for example, after surgery or in addition to treatment by a doctor).
- In trauma, in combination with a reading.
- Body work in horses (for better blood flow to the legs, straightening the hips, getting rid of pent-up tension in muscles and tendons).
- To facilitate the transition to another situation (moving house, new animal).
- For stress or pain relief.
- Softening the transition in dying care.
After treatment:
A healing continues to work for quite some time. The animal must have access to fresh water and must urinate regularly to dispose of waste products. Give your animal some rest after a healing and prefer not to go to busy places. After body work with horses, no more riding is allowed that day.